

Current Hood River Weather And Statistics

Latest monthly CO2 level in the Earth's atmosphere

This weather station's data (in addition to being displayed above) is uploaded real-time to  Weather Underground.     I also have a Tempest weather station that's uploaded  here.




Other Hood River forecasts:   NWS - (Forecast)  (Weather Table (Area Forecast Discussion) multiple Wx Models   Accuweather   Wunderground    TWC   WeatherForYou   MyForecast   Forecast Advisor


NEW!  Hood River's historic daily weather averages and records  spreadsheet

Many thanks to Julia N. who several years ago converted the MCAREC database into spreadsheet form for me, which I have been updating ever since.  Thanks also to Temira, who recently convinced  me to share it online (and who also set it up in Google Docs).


Everybody Talks About the Weather...

So, here's yet another place to talk about it.  Before posting, please read the more detailed chat room guidelines here.   Please be polite, civil,  and respectful of each other.   Politics and anything else that turns into a heated argument or violates the chat room guidelines are not allowed, and comments that push that too far might be deleted (or you might be banned) at our discretion.   You've been warned.

In the chat window below, the most recent comment is at the bottom; scroll up to see previous comments.   To open a stand-alone chat window, click here.   In fact, it would be a good idea to bookmark that just in case this weather site goes down, and you want to chat about what the heck is happening, and why, and how long.

  Opinions expressed in the chat room are those of the people posting them, and not necessarily those of the management of this weather site, if it had any management.

This whole weather site auto-reloads every 15 minutes, wiping out whatever you are typing into chat room comments at that moment.   So, to be on the safe side, reload the site before posting, by hitting "CTRL-R", or the F5 key, or however you prefer to reload web pages.  Or, to avoid all that, just use the stand alone chat room.


 Summer Links:   iWindsurf  CGW2  Gorge Wildflowers   Lightning  More Lightning   Pacific Power Wildfire Data   Fires  Purple Air AQ  Hurricanes   Pollen

Winter Links:  Salmon Jack Snow Data  HR Warming Shelter   Mt Hood Meadows    Teacup   Crown Point Winds   Timberline   OnTheSnow    NWAC

Astronomy Links:  Auroras  HR Clear Sky Chart  Stellarium  Shadow/Substance  SpaceWeather 

Other Random Local Stuff:    Events   More Events  Gorge Current   GorgeGrown   Local Transit

Looking for a great local wind and recreation weather forecast?  Temira's  The Gorge Is My Gym, and Gorge Travel Advisory

The Hood River County Museum  has historic local photos online.   If you can add any information to the photos, please do so.

   Interested in gardening?  Check out OSU's Extension Service Gardening page

Cams:  Cam Section Below   IR HatchCam  Gorge Current  Sailworks: (Summer  Winter)   Oregon Coast   All NW Cams   Cascade Volcanoes


Google Traffic WunderMap WindAlert Gorge
Official HR Climate Data TripCheck NW River Conditions
HOXO Hood River Data Climate Prediction Ctr Rufus-The Weather Cafe
Cliff Mass Blog Mark Nelsen Blog WSDOT Roads & Cams


 Northwest radar loop.   Current static image   NWS NW radar    UW radar


NE Pacific enhanced IR satellite loop below.   Current static image is here.  Current NW loop is here.


Local and Regional Cams

More Cams:  HR Port Cams   Skyline Hospital Cams  IR HatchCam  Sailworks: (Summer  Winter    KOIN The Dalles Cam  Oregon Coast    All NW Cams    Cascade Volcanoes





View South from Underwood


Underwood Heights


I-84 At Hood River


HR Waterfront

KOIN Mt Hood Meadows



Rooster Rock


Pacific City Ocean View


US 35 At Parkdale


 US 26 at Government Camp


KGW Portland Cams










Previous 2 Weeks Wind Speed (Red) and Barometric Pressure (Blue)

Past 2 Weeks Wind Speed (Red) and Barometric (Blue)

The wind speed at the weather station (1/2 mile south of Wal-Mart) is considerably lower than the wind speed on the Columbia River.  When the west wind is blowing, add 10 to 20 mph for on-river conditions


Previous 2 Weeks Wind Direction (Red) and Barometric Pressure (Blue)

Past 2 Weeks Wind Direction and Barometric Pressure

Wind direction is displayed in degrees (like a compass).  Wind from due North is 0 (or 360) degrees,  East is 90, South is 180, and a west wind is 270.


Current Month Temperatures  (previous months here)

Click to go to previous months

 Daily Temperatures (Blue)      Historical Averages (Green)      Record Extremes (Red)


Current Month Precipitation (previous months here)

Click to go to previous months

 Daily Precipitation (Blue)      Historical Averages (Green)     Record Extremes  (Red)


This site was designed (using the term loosely) and is maintained (barely) from 1998 to 2024 by me (hrw)

Comments or suggestions?  E-mail me here.

Click above to re-balance your Chi (and send me an email)


Disclaimer:  My legal team (if I had one) insists that you should not rely on this weather site's information for anything in particular.  This is just a personal weather station located in Hood River, and is not guaranteed to be accurate, reliable, interesting, or anything else.


Do you have a sudden unexplainable urge to make a donation, to help support this site?  Well of course you do!  Here's a PayPal link that can help satisfy that urge!

If the donate button above doesn't work, or you don't do PayPal, you can email me

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